Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Knitted gifts

Last year my husband gave me a copy of Susan B. Anderson's amazing book Itty Bitty Toys.

Itty Bitty Toys is an awesome book. It is very innovative and has a whole chapter of reversible toys - they are just amazing.

Anyway, I finally finished my first project from the book - a little present for my friend over at Hey Bubbles - she had a gorgeous little girl around 6 months ago - so the present was a little bit late! Hopefully it was worth the wait - I made her a set of Susan B. Anderson's Matryoshka dolls. 

Initially I used the wrong sort of wool - I always get a little confused by American patterns, but once I got the right sort of wool, it knitted up beautifully! I had trouble with the little faces because I am not very good at embroidery and I discovered that it is particularly hard to embroider on knitting. But I think it turned out well in the end -

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